Saturday, September 7, 2013


What is an Acceptable Use Policy (AUP)?

An AUP is a set of rules and/or restrictions placed upon a network to ensure that the proper use of the network is being applied company wide. AUPs should be thorough in explaining what is and is not expected of an employee.

Why is an AUP important?

Unfortunately, not all workers use the technological systems provided by their company in the manner it was meant to be used. Due to this misuse, companies create an AUP to secure material being used and prevent unwanted corollary amongst the organization. Many company managers, or entitled persons, are monitoring the use of technology throughout the work day in order to keep track of employee productiveness and accountability.

Are workers limited in production due to the AUP?

As an educator, I have found that key links to specific lessons have been blocked due to our system's AUP. For example, I have found through the years that students relate well to music. One skill I relate with this is "prepositional phrases." Upon my first teaching of this skill, I wanted my students to relate to the content being taught. I dug and dug until I was certain I had come up with the perfect solution. One of my all time favorite songs is "Octopus' Garden" written and sang by The Beatles. If you have never thought about it, this song is FULL of prepositional phrases! I researched the song to make sure I had a clear understanding of its meaning, and concluding the meaning was student appropriate, I decided to use the song to teach my students. This occurred while I taught third grade. I was able to pull a video and lyrics, along with the playing of the song, from YouTube. Everything went smooth, and the retention of the skill was superb.
The following year, I wanted to use the same technique with my students due to the effectiveness that took place the prior year. The problem for that class was that the system's AUP had limited specific website use, including YouTube (I will link to the AUP later in this blog). I was forced to go a different route to teach the students. Sure, I pulled up the lyrics and allowed the students to read and visually see the propositional phrases, but the effectiveness and retention was not the same compared to the year before.
A couple years later, I transitioned and began teaching sixth grade, which I love! The subject matter being reviewed was pertaining to subject and predicate. I was explaining why a specific word was not the simple subject because of its location in the prepositional phrase. Would you believe I had a student that I taught in the third grade raise his hand and say to his fellow peer, "Don't you remember?  We learned about prepositional phrases with that song about octopuses."? I was floored! I was so impressed of his retention of the subject matter. Three years later and he still related that skill to the song and video I had shown him in third grade. I felt a great sense of satisfaction when that event happened.
I feel we are limited, at times, in the workforce when certain restrictions are placed upon our system. I understand the restriction of YouTube on student computers; however, I do believe there is excellent teaching material being blocked and it is a misfortune for our teachers and students.

Analysis of My System's AUP

The AUP is specific in its expectations. Privacy is a big deal (passwords, computer use by account owner only, etc.). Back up drives are installed to transfer information when needed.
School computers are to be used for educational use only. There are examples given in the AUP. The main focus, in my opinion, is on the use of computers (what to and not use them for). The use of the computer (including all parts of it) are to be used for school purposes only and are to conform with the standards set forth by the county. My school system is very specific in what should and should not be happening in the technological world.
Email set up by the program does allow for professional and personal use, as long as the personal use does not violate the policy set forth by the county.
My school system also has an AUP for students. It is similar in connectivity with the teacher's policy. Internet use is a focus with students. Students are to use internet for conducting school related research and proper communication with others. Communication can be with classmates for extended learning, or it can be with a teacher (blogging, reporting, submitting assignments, etc.). Communication between student and teacher is for educational means ONLY.
The above policies conclude that disciplinary action can and will take place if the AUP is used in an inappropriate manner.


  1. Hi April,

    I understand your frustration at not being able to use YouTube. Our system has let have access again this year - thank heaven!

  2. I also understand your frustration with not having access to YouTube. I completely understand school system's need for privacy and protection; however, we should place focus on these issues in attempt to stay aligned with the technological advances around us.

  3. We have also have not had access to YouTube previously. This year they have recreated our network system. We are now allowed to use YouTube on our computers. I am not sure about the student computers. Also have you tried TeacherTube? It has a lot of videos that can be helpful as well and usually schools do not block that website. Great Post!

  4. I can see how frustrating it is to have limited access on the computer. Technology is ever changing and sometimes teaching the children through music or videos can make a world of difference. Differentiated instruction comes to my mind and our classes are full of diverse learners. We have access with YouTube and TeacherTube. Both of these sites are great for educational purposes and can expand a child's thinking skills.
